Another front liner nurse has been tested positive for COVID-19 case and its now 31 confirmed cases in Samoa.
This is according to the National Emergency Operation Committee statement issued today.
After the completion of the sixth testing yesterday one new positive case was identified from the nursing staff that work in the Isolation Ward taking the total positive cases in managed isolation to 31.
All other 48 passengers continue to test negative and are in good health. The 25 positive tested passengers are all asymptomatic and are in good health
All frontline workers in quarantine continue to present negative test results, remain asymptomatic and in good health. Likewise the 6 nurses in the isolation unit, though positive, are asymptomatic and in good health.
There are no community cases suspected or identified in the community. There is also vigilant monitoring of breaches of the SOE and in particular, the conditions of quarantine.
Vaccine Rollout
NEOC says that on February 1, the Australian Royal Airforce plane arrived with 10,000 of the AstraZeneca vaccine in time for the rollout of the Vaccine program. The intention is to be able to achieve a higher target of the total population that are fully vaccinated as that is important to our herd immunity as well as advance a shift towards the implementation of a booster policy.
A word of appreciation
Furthermore, NEOS says Samoa is privileged to be well supported in our COVID response by our development partners through many different avenues such as access to adequate Vaccines supplies, the provision of equipment and PPEs and related supplies for preventive health measures, testing capacity supplies, project grants,technical advisory services, training and consultations (conducted virtually).
They acknowledge the support of all our partners; Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, United Kingdom, United Nations and specialised agencies, USA, and all those who have made significant contributions to the COVAX Facility.
We also thank all intergovernmental and regional organisations for facilitating services to ensure essential supplies reach countries in a timely manner.
There is also special acknowledgement of all our frontline workers; our defence line in keeping COVID 19 out or at the border. The public’s demonstration of perseverance and adherence to the conditions of lockdown is commendable.